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Kindergarten Orientation:


Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers to the most commonly asked questions about Kindergarten!


Category: Preparation


Q: How can I prepare my child for Kindergarten?

A: A hearty breakfast, snack packed for a midday pick me up and a good night's sleep are essential.  The day is long for a 5 & 6 year old, but they do build stamina. Help them to feel confident and secure about kindergarten.  If you have worries, talk with your child’s teacher. This will hopefully help to avoid having any anxiety transferred to your child.


Also, check out the tabs at the top for tips to help prepare your child for Kindergarten in the following categories; self-help and social skills, literacy, math, and fine motor skills.




Q: What should I send for snack?

A: Keep it simple. An apple, an orange that has been peeled, crackers, pretzels or anything that will tide your child over.  Avoid any liquids or sticky snacks (gogurts, yogurt, applesauce) or anything that needs utensils. They will eat snack in the same place that they work, so they must be able to tidy up quickly.  Only water is allowed in the classroom. They will only have 5-10 minutes to eat their snack. This should be packed in a separate container from lunch. Reminder: All classrooms are NUT FREE.




Q: What will my child need to bring to school?

A: Your child will need a backpack that is clearly labeled with your child's name.  It should be large enough to fit their lunch and a folder (10" by 12”). You are also welcome to send in a change of clothes in case of an accident. Make sure you check our website this summer for the list of school supplies to get us started in the school year.



Category: Transportation


Q: How will my child get home from school?

A: You may choose for your child to be a car rider, a walker (towards Seven Locks Road or Victory Lane), or a bus rider when being dismissed from school. For bus information, please contact Mrs. Wong, our school secretary.


You may also choose to have your child attend Kids Klub, an after school club housed at Beverly Farms or other aftercare programs. Please see the website below for more information:




Q: What do I do if my child is going home a different way?

A: Notes in the home school folder are the most effective way to notify the teacher of a change in the dismissal routine.  In the case of an afternoon activity, the note should be sent each time the activity meets to avoid any confusion.


Category: Lunch


Q: How do I put money into my child's lunch account?

A: Go to the BFES website to add money to your child’s account.  Please avoid sending money to school with your child. We suggest all kindergartners pack a lunch from home for the first 2 weeks of school.  This will give them time to adjust and learn their cafeteria PIN.




Q. What should I send for lunch?

A: Something your child likes that they can easily open. If it is in a pre-packaged container that is difficult to open, then please repack it into a fold over bag.  If the lunch requires utensils, you can also pack those so your child has the supplies they need.  All lunch should be packed inside the lunch box or lunch bag. Keep it simple so they avoid having to carry too many separate items.  Remember that students have lunch and recess before returning to the classroom, therefore we are not able to heat up any food and warm things should be put in a thermos that your child can manage.    


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